
This article discusses about the information protection aspects in Lebesgue-based smart meters that provide real-time stream of compressive sensing data directed to the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). In smart grid scenario, Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems start using real time metering information. Lebesgue-based method achieves higher data compression rates than the Shannon-based approach by encoding facts in the Mutual Information (MI) or inter-sampling. Part of the TCP/IP data packets remains unencrypted. Stream analytics can uncover knowledge about real life events and their timing by making inference on top of the inter-sampling data. The Rate Of Information (RoI) can be derived from the information left in clear form. It can disclose periods of higher vulnerability of smart grid. In turn, undesirable exploits could be set up. This article presents the ongoing work about unconventional mechanisms applicable to the protection of Mutual Dependence (MD) between pairs of random variables in real-time smart metering scenario.

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