
In Angola, the right to privacy is one of the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic. In addition to the Constitution, the legal framework on the protection of personal data is complemented by other laws, with regard to the Personal Data Protection Law, No. 22/11 of 17 June, which establishes legal rules for the processing of such data and establishes Data Protection (DPA), as the public authority responsible for monitoring compliance with those rules and exercising. The unequivocal and express consent of the data subject or his legal representative and prior notification to the APD are the general requirements for the processing of personal data, without prejudice to the principles and other specific requirements applicable to sensitive data. Only health professionals registered in the respective professional associations are qualified to process health data, and must observe professional secrecy. Data holders are assured the exercise of their rights to information, access, rectification, updating and deletion of their data. Security measures must be implemented to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. In conclusion, in Angola there is no prohibition on the processing of personal data, what the legislator imposes is that it be done with transparency and legality, aiming at protecting its holders from situations of vulnerability, including stigmatization, discrimination, observing dignity of the human person as one of the fundamental principles of ethics, especially in scientific research.

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