
SUMMARY A series of programmes has been developed for an I.B.M. 1401 computor to process the basic field plot measurements for forest research and management, by calculating mean diameters and heights of trees, and values per acre such as basal areas, volumes and numbers of trees by utilization classes. These values can be for the whole plot or for sub-groups within the plot such as species, diameter classes or silvicultural groups. Comparisons between successive measurements give information on increments. The framework of the system has been designed to perform a variety of specific tasks ranging from analysis of data from temporary plots where details of individual trees are not required, to complex applications in which full descriptions of trees are processed. Pine and eucalypt species are processed similarly, but the system is restricted to immature and mature forests or plantations as no real provision has been made for degenerated overmature trees. The processing has proved economical with costs a...

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