
The Plant Conservation Agency (PCA) in processing plant data is very much needed for identification speed. So that if the data is needed quickly, the time needed to perform the data search process will be even faster. In this data processing, there are several categories which will be divided based on the rights of the user who uses this application. The first category is user data processing for admin, garden collection data processing for operators, plant collection data processing for operators, and plant registration data processing for operators. All categories can be entered by users who are permitted to use this plant data processing system. The system development method used is the Sequential Linear Waterfall Model. Design concepts using structured concepts. The results of the alpha testing of this plant data processing system are that a functionally built system can produce output as expected, and for the results of beta testing of the plant data processing system that was built this is a plant data processing system that is made to process plant data and plant development data, plant data processing systems that are created can display plant data in PCA quickly, plant data processing systems can make plant data reports in PCA

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