
In the contemporary data-driven era, the triad of data ownership, digital governance, and government-enterprise cooperation is woven intricately into the fabric of the digital landscape. At the core of this interconnected web lies the imperative to strike a delicate balance between safeguarding data rights, fostering data sharing, and upholding data security, all pillars underpinning the sustainable growth of digital ecosystems. This paper aims to illuminate the profound interplay between data ownership complexities, enterprise management strategies, and the overarching domain of digital governance. Furthermore, it delineates the landscape of pertinent legal frameworks that govern this intricate terrain. By embracing a nuanced, scenario-driven approach to data protection and by nurturing collaborations among diverse stakeholders, this article embarks on a quest to unravel how the implementation of effective cooperation models can serve as catalysts for the sustainable evolution of the digital economy. Simultaneously, these models advocate for responsible data governance, ensuring that the fundamental values of individual privacy and corporate interests remain duly safeguarded.

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