
The learning process is essentially to develop the activities and creativity of students through various interactions and learning experiences. The teacher is the most important factor in the process of improving the quality of education. In addition, student learning activeness is also an important basic element for the success of the learning process. The quality and activeness of students in learning at school has a lot of diversity which makes students have different levels of understanding, this needs to be a concern for the school, especially teachers as teachers and educators of students in schools. The purpose of this study is to measure the extent to which students' ability to undergo the learning process as well as a reference and evaluation material for the school in the success of educators when carrying out the teaching and learning process. In this study the data were sourced from the Integrated Islamic Junior High School Andalas Cendekia Dharmasraya which consisted of several variables, namely the presence of student data, Academic value (knowledge), Psychomotor value (skills), Affective value (spiritual and social). In grouping the data, the appropriate method in this study is the Clustering method with the K-Means Algorithm. The results of this study obtained 3 groupings of students, namely students who are very active, students who are active and students who are less active. This research is used as a guideline for teachers in the field of study in selecting students to participate in competitions and Olympics, and can be used as a benchmark for schools of the ability of educators in the teaching and learning process.


  • The learning process is essentially to develop the activities and creativity of students through various interactions and learning experiences

  • at school has a lot of diversity which makes students have different levels of understanding

  • this needs to be a concern for the school

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Pendahuluan sekolah memiliki banyak keragaman yang membuat

Salah satu prioritas kebijakan umum pembangunan di Indonesia adalah peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Sekolah menjadi sarana berlangsungnya Dalam penentuan keaktifan siswa dalam proses belajar pendidikan secara langsung dengan bertemunya guru mengajar pada sekolah SMP IT Andalas Cendekia ini dan siswa. Kualitas dan keaktifan siswa dalam belajar di transformation), Proses mining Evaluasi pola yang. Berdasarkan kerangka kerja pada Gambar 1 maka masing-masing langkahnya dapat diuraikan seperti di bawah ini: Clustering adalah sebuah proses untuk mengelompokan data ke dalam beberapa cluster atau kelompok sehingga data dalam satu cluster memiliki tingkat kemiripan yang maksimum dan data antar cluster memiliki kemiripan yang minimum [8] [9]. Mengumpulkan Data yaitu data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data nilai rapor siswa SMP IT Andalas Cendekia Kab. Dharmasraya. K-Means Cendekia sebanyak 39 siswa yang disajikan pada Tabel merupakan salah satu metode data clustering non 1. Dalam penelitian ini dapat melakukan prediksi terhadap tingkat keaktifan dan korelasi antara nilai dengan tingkat keaktifan

16 Gadiza Rahma Luthfilah 17 Hilyah Mufidah Shafwah
25 Monika Larasati 26 Mozza Musdalifah
33 Salma Khaira Ramadhani 34 Shelvira Rahmadhani
Menetukan cluster baru dari itersai ke-1
14 Dzakiya Qawlan Sadida
37 Ulfa Salsabila
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