
Cloud computing has recently been the buzz word that had changed the entire software industry with its PaaS, IaaS and SaaS architecture model. The legacy systems operational in the organizations across different industries have been using the database that had an overhead in terms of cost of data storage, runtime operation and frequent data maintenance. Cloud database concept had challenged the existing storage and operational norms of data. In the distributed environment, resources used in the cloud databases need to identify whether the requested data belongs to the data nodes of a cluster. With databases began to be ubiquitous, the data storage needed to satisfy heterogeneous data structures rather the unstructured data storage support is looked for. The Use of Bloom's filter for data membership identification is the novel approach and can effectively improve the resource organization strategy on cloud. Dynamic resource organization can further improve the query efficiency as well. The concern raised during this is the data privacy which can also be ascertain by maintaining the data access authority levels. Bloom filter uses less memory space against the large dataset to store it's information. A Bloom filter is proposed to be used to determine whether an element is part of a reference set. It is a very compact hash-based data structure with efficient look-up times and a manageable risk of giving false positives.

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