
Ensuring the integrity of data is one of the staple objectives in information security. For this purpose, one can use different algorithms and approaches based on cryptographic hash functions, block ciphers in message authentication code mode of operation, etc. In the case of dynamic integrity checking, such known approaches require significant computing resources. In this paper, we propose a class of algorithms that represents a rational compromise between the resource usage, the performance and the security level. The proposed algorithms are based on a combination of additive generators, s-boxes and a hash function that meets modern cryptographic strength requirements. By methods of the matrix-graph approach, we study the mixing properties of the input data code generation algorithm, which is essential for integrity checking. By means of computational experiments the performance and a number of cryptographic properties of the algorithm under research were compared with those of well-known algorithms. The comparison results show the performance advantage of the proposed algorithm with parity of other cryptographic properties.

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