
Data Integration is the process of transferring the data in source format into the destination format. Many data warehousing and data management approaches has been supported by integration tools for data migration and transportation by using Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) approach. These tools are widely fit for handling large volumes of data and not flexible to handle semi or unstructured data. To overcome these challenges in big data world, programmatically driven parallel techniques such as map-reduce models were introduced. Data Integration as a process is highly cumbersome and iterative especially to add new data sources. The process of adding these new data sources are time consuming which results in delay, loss of data and irrelevance of the data and improper utilization of useful information. Traditionally waterfall approach is used in EDW (Enterprise Data Warehouse), where one cannot move to the next phase before completing the earlier one. This approach has its merits to ensure the right data sources are picked and right data integration processes are developed to sustain the usefulness of EDW. In big data environment, the situation is completely different. Therefore the traditional approaches of integration are inefficient in handling the current situation. So people are expected to do something regarding this issue. In this paper the importance of data integration in Big Data world are identified and the open problems of Big Data Integration are outlined to proceed future research in Big Data environment.

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