
ABSTRACT Objectives Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTRv) is a rare, fatal, autosomal dominant disease with more than 140 mutations discovered. Three phenotypes of amyloid infiltration are neuropathy (ATTRv-PN), cardiopathy (ATTRv-CM), and neuropathy + cardiopathy (ATTRv-MIX). The lack of ATTR-specific biomarkers, difficulties in biopsy evidence, and limited known pathogenic mechanisms have made diagnosis difficult. Newly emerging noninvasive measures for monitoring progression and disease-modifying therapies have improved early diagnosis and patient management. Methods Our research applies the latest technology, Data-Independent Acquisition-Based Quantitative Proteomics (DIA), to reveal comprehensive plasma protein profiles in the natural history of Chinese patients with hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTRv). We analyzed differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) in three phenotypes (ATTRv-PN, ATTRv-CM, and ATTRv-MIX). Results Serum samples were collected from a total of 18 patients (6 ATTRv-PN, 5 ATTRv-CM, and 7 ATTRv-MIX patients) and 20 healthy participants as a control group. Combined with the results of the proteomic and bioinformatic analyses, we found 30 DEPs and protein interaction networks clustered in KRT family proteins and DSC3 between ATTRv-PN and the control, which were rich in the estrogen signaling pathway and the cell adhesion molecule (CAM) pathway. Conclusion This study demonstrates a global and significant proteomic profile in different stages of ATTRv.

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