
An essential assumption in most algorithms in computational geometry is that the input data is precise which is not always true in real world problems. In this paper we introduce a model – called λ-geometry model – for handling a dynamic form of imprecision which allows the precision changes in the input data of geometric problems. Also, we study two families of basic computational geometry problems under this model: axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) and proximity problems. For a set of n imprecise points where each point is modeled by a convex polygonal region with O(k) representation complexity, we propose an O(n(log n+log k+m)) time algorithm to solve the largest AABB problem, where m is the maximum number of corner defining functions when the largest AABB is defined by points on its corners. Also, we propose an O(n log n+nk+k2 log kα(k)) time algorithm for finding the smallest AABB under the assumption that the regions are disjoint. We show that the algorithms are optimal when k is O(log n). Further, we propose O(n2k log(nk) α(nk)) time algorithms for finding the closest and furthest pair problems, and present a lower bound of Ω(n2) for the closest pair problem when k is constant.

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