
The mass dispersal of digital communication requires the special measures of safety. The need for safe communication is greater than ever before, with computer networks now managing almost all of our business and personal affairs. Information security has become a major concern in our digital lives. The creation of new transmission technologies forces a specific protection mechanisms strategy particularly in data communication state.
 We proposed a steganography method in this paper, which reads the message, converting it into its Residue Number System equivalent using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT), encrypting it using the Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) algorithm before embedding it in a digital image using the Least Significant Bit algorithm of steganography and then transmitting it through to the appropriate destination and from which the information required to reconstruct the original message is extracted. These techniques will enhance the ability to hide data and the hiding of ciphers in steganographic image and the implementation of CRT will make the device more efficient and stronger. It reduces complexity problems and improved execution speed and reduced the time taken for processing the encryption and embedding competencies.

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