
AbstractThis chapter describes decentralized data fusion algorithms for a team of multiple autonomous platforms. Decentralized data fusion (DDF) provides a useful basis with which to build upon for cooperative information gathering tasks for robotic teams operating in outdoor environments. Through the DDF algorithms, each platform can maintain a consistent global solution from which decisions may then be made. Comparisons will be made between the implementation of DDF using two probabilistic representations. The first, Gaussian estimates and the second Gaussian mixtures are compared using a common data set. The overall system design is detailed, providing insight into the overall complexity of implementing a robust DDF system for use in information gathering tasks in outdoor UAV applications.KeywordsSensor NodeGaussian Mixture ModelFusion CenterCommon InformationCommunication FailureThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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