
This paper presents data on carbon stocks of tropical tree species along a rainfall gradient. The data was generated from the Sesheke, Namwala, and Kabompo sites in Zambia. Though above-ground data was generated for all these three sites, we uprooted trees to determine below-ground biomass from the Sesheke site only. The vegetation was assessed in all three sites. The data includes tree diameter at breast height (DBH), total tree height, wood density, wood dry weight and root dry weight for large (≥ 5 cm DBH) and small (< 5 cm DBH) trees. We further presented Root-to-Shoot Ratios of uprooted trees. Data on the importance-value indices of various species for large and small trees are also determined. Below and above-ground carbon stocks of the surveyed tree species are presented per site. This data were used by Ngoma et al. (2018) [1] to develop above and below-ground biomass models and the reader is referred to this study for additional information, interpretation, and reflection on applying this data.


  • This paper presents data on carbon stocks of tropical tree species along a rainfall gradient

  • We present data on various tree parameters (e.g. diameter at breast height (DBH), total tree height, wood density, and dry weight)

  • Large pieces ( Z 10 cm mid diameter) were weighed individually (Fig. 2F) while small pieces ( o 10 cm middiameter) were weighed as batches together with their twigs and leaves (Fig. 2G)

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Carbon stocks of the Zambezi Teak Forests. Tables and Figures. Acacia ataxacantha Afzelia quanzensis Baikiaea plurijuga Baphia massaiensis Bauhinia petersiana Brachystegia speciformis Cassia abbreviata Combretum celastroides Combretum hereroense Combretum molle Combretum zeyheri Commiphora mollis Croton gratissimus Dichrostachys cinerea Diplorhynchus candylocarpon Eucalyptus (exotic species) Friesodielsia obovata Hippocratea africana Hymenocardia acida Ibu Kapasa ka lyongono Lonchocarpus nelsii Mang'omba Markhamia obtusifolia Markhamia zanzibarica Mbungeimo Mubangabanga Mubeba Mubwabwa Muhoho Muhuhu Mukube Mumbukushu Mumbumelenge Mutungambabala Mwingili Namulomo Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia Pteleopsis anisoptera Pterocarpus angolensis Pterocarpus angolensis Pterocarpus antunesii Rhus longipes Ricinodendron rautanenii Stantwasokwe Sterculia quinqueloba Strychnos innocua Terminalia sericea Uvariastrum hexaloboides Vangueriopsis lanciflora Ximenia americana Zanha africana ?1 (Not identified). Strychnos potatorum Terminalia sericea Ximenia americana Zanha africana Acacia ataxacantha Acacia erioloba Baikiaea plurijuga Baphia massaiensis Bauhinia petersiana Burkea africana Combretum hereroense Dichrostachys cinerea Diplorhynchus candylocarpon Erythrophleum africanum Ficus sycomorus Friesodielsia obovata Hippocratea africana Lonchocarpus nelsii Markhamia zanzibarica Namulomo Ochna pulchra Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia Pterocarpus angolensis Pterocarpus antunesii Ricinodendron rautanenii Sesheke1?(Not identified) Strophanthus welwitschii Terminalia sericea

Sample collection process for developing below-ground biomass models
Sample collection process for developing above-ground biomass models
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