
We present four short movies to illustrate the observed PGA and displacement during the Chi-Chi earthquake. Each movie is composed of 100 time frames presented at 1 sec per frame. These movies document the generation and propagation of the seismic waves excited by the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake ( M w 7.6) as a consequence of the rupturing of a 100-km long Chelungpu thrust fault in central west Taiwan. The computer requirement is a PC running under the Microsoft Windows operating system (with the Real Play software, which normally comes with a present-day PC). To view a movie, you simply double click the file name with “.avi” file extension. There are a readme.txt and four movie files on the attached CD-ROM, under the directory of \ShinTC: (1) readme.txt: an ASCII text file of this Short Note. (2) 0921PGAmax.avi: time history movie of …

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