
Electronic Health Records (EHRs) play a crucial role in modern healthcare, enhancing quality, safety, efficiency, and research capabilities. However, in Nigeria the full acceptance of such modern ways of managing healthcare delivery is marred with various challenges such as infrastructure, funding, technical expertise, and regulatory issues. This paper presents a proposed conceptual framework of a Data Collection Module for a Centralized EHR System in Nigeria, aimed at addressing data accessibility challenges faced by healthcare facilities for patients registering at their facilities. The module utilizes National Identification Numbers (NINs), barcodes, and biometric identification methods to collect and secure patient demographic data. It incorporates a web application, biometric software, and barcode/QR code software to ensure efficient data collection and verification. Our study demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of employing biometric identification techniques in data collection modules, offering enhanced accuracy, reliability, security, and usability of patient data in a developing healthcare system like Nigeria.The proposed module has not been tested in a real-world environment, so more study is required to determine its viability, scalability, and effect on the standard and results of healthcare.

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