
Heterogeneous face recognition (HFR) is the process of matching face images captured from different sources. HFR plays an important role in security scenarios. However, HFR remains a challenging problem due to the considerable discrepancies (i.e., shape, style, and color) between cross-modality images. Conventional HFR methods utilize only the information involved in heterogeneous face images, which is not effective because of the substantial differences between heterogeneous face images. To better address this issue, this paper proposes a data augmentation-based joint learning (DA-JL) approach. The proposed method mutually transforms the cross-modality differences by incorporating synthesized images into the learning process. The aggregated data augments the intraclass scale, which provides more discriminative information. However, this method also reduces the interclass diversity (i.e., discriminative information). We develop the DA-JL model to balance this dilemma. Finally, we obtain the similarity score between heterogeneous face image pairs through the log-likelihood ratio. Extensive experiments on a viewed sketch database, forensic sketch database, near-infrared image database, thermal-infrared image database, low-resolution photo database, and image with occlusion database illustrate that the proposed method achieves superior performance in comparison with the state-of-the-art methods.

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