
The impression often prevails that traditional religious assertions float above the bottom of the reality of life, and that they do not fulfill what they claim and promise. For this reason theology - and religious thought in general - requires a phenomenological method if it is to advance, beyond free floating constructions, accidental findings, undemonstrated conceptions and pseudo-questions, to the essence of religious reality itself. As in the case of all other experiences of consciousness (Bewussstseinserieonisse,), one must get as clear a view as possible of the phenomenon of religious experience and fix it as precisely as possible in concepts. Only in this way can they be seen as anchored in the » life world (Lebenswelt) as real experiences. This requires a considerable effort of intensive analysis. Husserl's intentional interpretations (intentionale Auslegungen) of the phenomena of consciousness can become methodological models for this theological endeavour.

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