
The reflections of Lutheranism in Bohemian lands by papal diplomats embody considerable variations in the light of their correspondence. The nuncios were concerned with the Bohemian Lutheranism only marginally in the 1530s as it resulted from the relative newness of this phenomenon. We encounter a significantly different situation researching the reports of nuncios dated to the last quarter of 16th Century and the beginning of 17th Century though. An important reflection of Lutheranism in Bohemian lands can be found in the correspondence of Giovanni Delfino from year 1575 who perceived his struggle against religious requirements of Bohemian estates as an obvious fight against the Augsburg confession. Lutheranism as an established confessional movement is further apparent also in despatches of his successors. In the turn of 16th and 17th Centuries, there was emphasized also the aspect of taking advantage of inner disagreements among the Lutherans and Calvinists in order to overall weakening of Protestantism in Bohemia and the Holy Roman Empire as well.


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Wenn man in den Berichten der Nuntien am Kaiserhof des 16. und zu Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts die Reflexion über die konfessionellen Verhältnisse in den böhmischen Ländern bzw. die Existenz des Luthertums fokussieren will, muss man einige wichtige Faktoren in Betracht ziehen, die sie bedingten. Unverzüglich wurde in der Weisung hinzugefügt, dass die Utraquisten „(...) weniger anderes als Lutheraner und Zwinglianer“ seien.[9] Die Nuntien befassten sich im Allgemeinen mit den böhmischen konfessionellen Angelegenheiten nur am Rande, und wenn es der Fall war, stand in ihrem Fokus gerade der Utraquismus.

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