
This article deals with the issue of the protection of the child as a party to an agreement for a gift of real estate. Even though this issue is recognized in the doctrine of law and in jurisdiction, it has not been comprehensively studied yet. The starting point for the discussion in the article is the resolution of the Supreme Court of 30 April 1977 (III CZP 73/76) which classifies the acquisition of real estate that is free from obligations towards the donor or third parties as an act of ordinary management of the child’s property. The author distinguishes between the cases in which the child is the donee, occurring far more frequently in practice, and those in which the child is the donor of real estate, so it is the child’s property that is to be reduced by such an important asset. The author refers to examples of judicial decisions concerning both situations. Other important issues analysed in the study are the tasks of a notary public drawing up an agreement for a gift of real estate. Furthermore, the author highlights a case in which the child is only a co-owner of the property to be donated.

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