
Cyber threat intelligence (CTI) is vital for enabling effective cybersecurity decisions by providing timely, relevant, and actionable information about emerging threats. Monitoring the dark web to generate CTI is one of the upcoming trends in cybersecurity. As a result, developing CTI capabilities with the dark web investigation is a significant focus for cybersecurity companies like Deepwatch, DarkOwl, SixGill, ThreatConnect, CyLance, ZeroFox, and many others. In addition, the dark web marketplace (DWM) monitoring tools are of much interest to law enforcement agencies (LEAs). The fact that darknet market participants operate anonymously and online transactions are pseudo-anonymous makes it challenging to identify and investigate them. Therefore, keeping up with the DWMs poses significant challenges for LEAs today. Nevertheless, the offerings on the DWM give insights into the dark web economy to LEAs. The present work is one such attempt to describe and analyze dark web market data collected for CTI using a dark web crawler. After processing and labeling, authors have 53 DWMs with their product listings and pricing.

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