
Many models of dark matter place their dark matter candidate inside a broader dark sector with other particles and fields for theoretical and phenomenological reasons. The cosmological evolution of these dark sectors can differ significantly from standard scenarios, in particular due to their interplay with the Standard Model of particle physics. In this thesis, we study various dark sector cosmologies, including their evolution and resulting constraints. In view of ever more stringent limits from direct and indirect searches on dark matter as a thermal relic from the primordial plasma encompassing the SM particles, scenarios of a dark sector decoupled from the Standard Model receive increasing interest. Interestingly, the corresponding dark matter production mechanism of thermal freeze-out can also occur entirely in a decoupled dark sector. Still, certain modifications to the standard treatment need to be taken into account. We study these changes and find significant deviations of the annihilation cross-section required to obtain the observed dark matter abundance, in particular if the dark matter particle and its annihilation product are similar in mass. After the first gravitational waves were observed by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), interest in primordial black holes as a candidate for dark matter has been renewed. As gravitational waves can be produced in primordial black hole binary mergers, this setup can be considered a dark sector with purely gravitational interactions. Large initial primordial black hole clustering has been suggested to circumvent the strong limits on this scenario. We show that instead, gravitational wave constraints are enhanced by large clustering such that highly clustered primordial black holes with the masses corresponding to the LIGO events cannot account for all of the dark matter in the Universe. A major part of this thesis studies Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) as a probe for MeVscale dark sectors. Due to the remarkable agreement of predictions for the primordial light element abundances from BBN with observations, alterations are generally strongly constrained. Dark sectors can change the predictions for the primordial light element abundances by the influence of their cosmological evolution during BBN itself and subsequent disintegration processes, e.g. photodisintegration. The former proceed via alterations of the Hubble rate, neutrino decoupling, the time-temperature relation, and the best-fit value for the baryon-to-photon ratio. The latter are due to late-time high-energy electromagnetic injections into the Standard Model plasma, which induce an electromagnetic cascade producing an abundance of non-thermal photons that can disintegrate light nuclei. We derive these constraints for annihilations of MeV-scale dark matter, electromagnetic decays of MeV-scale dark sector particles, and axion-like particles coupled to photons.

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