
Galaxy flybys, interactions where two independent halos inter-penetrate but detach at a later time and do not merge, occur frequently at lower redshifts. These interactions can significantly impact the evolution of individual galaxies - from the mass loss and shape transformation to the emergence of tidal features and formation of morphological disc structures. The main focus of this paper is on the dark matter mass loss of the secondary, intruder galaxy, with the goal of determining a functional relationship between the impact parameter and dark matter mass loss. Series of N-body simulations of typical galaxy flybys (10:1 mass ratio) with differing impact parameters show that the dark matter halo leftover mass of the intruder galaxy follows a logarithmic growth law with impact parameter, regardless of the way the total halo mass is estimated. The lost mass then, clearly, follows the exponential decay law. The stellar component stretches faster as the impact parameter decreases, following the exponential decay law with impact parameter. Functional dependence on impact parameter in all cases seems universal, but the fitting parameters are likely sensitive to the interaction parameters and initial conditions (e.g. the mass ratio of interacting galaxies, initial relative velocity of the intruder galaxy, interaction duration). While typical flybys, investigated here, could not be the sole culprit behind the formation of ultra-diffuse or dark matter deficient galaxies, they can still contribute significantly. Rare, atypical and stronger flybys are worth further exploring.

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