
Motivated by the recent PAMELA and ATIC data, one is ledto a scenario with heavy vector-like dark matter in associationwith a hidden U(1)X sector below GeV scale. Realizing this ideain the context of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking (GMSB), aheavy scalar component charged under U(1)X is found to be agood dark matter candidate which can be searched for directscattering mediated by the Higgs boson and/or by the hidden gaugeboson. The latter turns out to put a stringent bound on thekinetic mixing parameter between U(1)X and U(1)Y: θ ≲ 10−6. For the typical range of model parameters, wefind that the decay rates of the ordinary lightest neutralino intohidden gauge boson/gaugino and photon/gravitino are comparable,and the former decay mode leaves displaced vertices of leptonpairs and missing energy with distinctive length scale larger than20 cm for invariant lepton pair mass below 0.5 GeV. Anunsatisfactory aspect of our model is that the Sommerfeld effectcannot raise the galactic dark matter annihilation by more than60 times for the dark matter mass below TeV.

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