
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant clinical problem across the world including India. The SEEK (Screening and Early Evaluation of Kidney Disease) study from India reported the prevalence of CKD as 17.2%. Diabetic nephropathy, undetermined etiology, chronic glomerulonephritis and hypertensive nephrosclerosis are the common causes of CKD in India. Rising rates of diabetes and hypertension, late presentation of patients to nephrologists and limited number of nephrologists in India adds to the concerns related to management of CKD. Considering the pathophysiology of CKD, anemia is almost an inevitable complication in these patients. Untreated anemia significantly contributes to the morbidity and mortality associated with CKD. Early recognition, timely management with appropriate therapy helps to reduce the complications of anemia. Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) are one of the important measures for correction of anemia in CKD patients. Darbepoetin, an ESA is a valuable therapeutic option for the treatment of anemia in CKD patients and has played a vital role in enhancing anemia management. In this article we reviewed the efficacy and safety data along with key benefits and place of darbepoetin alfa in the management of anemia in CKD patients.

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