
Past sea surface temperature (SST) evolution in the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean) during the last 50,000 years has been inferred from the study of C37 alkenones in International Marine Global Change Studies MD952043 core. This record has a time resolution of ∼200 years allowing the study of millennial‐scale and even shorter climatic changes. The observed SST curve displays characteristic sequences of extremely rapid warming and cooling events along the glacial period. Comparison of this Alboran record with δ18O from Greenland ice (Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 core) shows a strong parallelism between these SST oscillations and the Dansgaard‐Oeschger events. Five prominent cooling episodes standing out in the SST profile are accompanied by an anomalous high abundance of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral which is confined to the duration of these cold intervals. These features and the isotopic record reflect drastic changes in the surface hydrography of the Alboran Sea in association with Heinrich events Hl–5.

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