
The popularity of danmaku, overlaid comments displayed during videos, is attributed to its synergized social interaction; its effects, however, remain under-researched. Applying the narrative transportation theory, this study explored danmaku's impact on perceived authenticity, narrative transportation, and destination food image in food-themed documentaries. In two experimental studies with 187 and 179 participants, respectively, viewers experienced more perceived authenticity and narrative transportation with positive-valence danmaku. Approval (disapproval) of positive (negative) comments induced greater authenticity, while approval of positive or negative danmaku facilitated higher narrative transportation. Perceived authenticity was a strong mediator in the effects of danmaku comments and attitude on narrative transportation and destination food image. Findings suggest that marketers could invite target consumers with similar characteristics to watch danmaku documentaries together, design users' filter functions, and implant destination-related products within the film to enhance perceived authenticity.

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