
To the Editor.— Barach's critical letter of June 1,1970 ( 212 :1525, 1970) concerning the American Cancer Society's television announcements about the dangers of cigarette smoking had a puzzling assortment of quotations and statements. The sentence, No one has yet shown that to dwell on the thought of saving one's life is morally or physically healthful, is certainly contrary to the physician's responsibility in preventing disease, preserving, and improving the state of individual health. Barach's worry about the charisma of the physician who increasingly devotes himself to warnings is countered by asking the public if they would retain confidence in physicians who fail to warn them of threats to their health and well being. Should physicians divorce themselves from concern over the lack of pure water, immunizations, proper diets, and the dangers of cigarette smoking? I think not. Public health measures are positive or prohibitory according to the reception given to

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