
Providing access to food around schools constitutes an important part of nutritional environment of children and adolescents. This study intends to determine the proximity of food outlets to secondary schools in the center of Gaziantep, the presence of hawkers and whether there are differences according to socio-economic zones. In this qualitative study, schools were chosen according to the socioeconomic status of the neighborhoods. The data were recorded by investigators through on-site observations. Boiled corn in cups, single cigarette as well as vendors of snacks, fruits, fried chips, ice cream, sweets and beverages were being sold in the vicinity of all the schools. It was observed that about one quarter of the students went to the various shops and hawkers at the end of the school day. The socioeconomic status of a neighborhood had no impact in terms of the variety of products sold. Price of boiled corn sold in cardboard cups of the same size varied between TRY 1-2 (0.26-0.52 USD) according to the income level of the neighborhood in which it was sold. Despite the current legislation in our country, sales of single cigarette to those under 18 are still a cause for concern. It is necessary to take measures for controlling the access of school children to unhealthy food and non-food products.

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