
The urgency to address to the theme of Salome in conditions of postmodern culture is considered. Some attempts are made to read anew and rethink it in the era of current information technology. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of the interpretation of the image of Salome and the "Dance of the Seven Veils" in the iconographic sources of the 12th – early 21st centuries through the prism of the aesthetics of certain era aimed to find artistic means of expression. An overview of the reflection of the event at the feast of Tetrarch Herod in the Gospel of Matthew and Mark. The content of the young princess's fateful dance, which led to irreparable tragic consequences — the beheading of John the Baptist. The necessity of using the concept of different branches of knowledge in order to establish a holistic picture of the development of events in this scene is proved. The sources that inspired O. Wilde to create the drama "Salome" are identified. The peculiarities of artistic interpretations of the image of the princess by the writer S. Mallarme and the artist G. Moreau are reflected in the article, in addition, the author showed the difference in the interpretation in the author's concept by O. Wilde. The stage version of "Salome" of 1902, directed by M. Reinhardt, is analyzed, the master's innovative approaches to the embodiment of dance are singled out against the background of the original scenography solution of M. Krause and L. Corinth, which became an aesthetic discovery in theatrical art of the modern era. Peculiarities of interpretation of Salome's dance based on O. Wilde's drama to O. Glazunov's music, with L. Bakst's decoration, M. Fokin's choreography, which continued modern experiments on the stage embodiment of the said work, are revealed. Priorities are set by dance director M. Fokin to work with iconographic sources, artistic design of the issue over the analysis of his musical drama. The results of the choreographer's search for new, relevant to the modern era, means of stage expression, their non-standard, bold combination to create an original version of the artistic and holistic spectacle are outlined. The influence of innovative discoveries of M. Reinhardt, V. Meyerhold and M. Fokin on further dance interpretations in R. Strauss's opera "Salome"

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