
The increasing interest of the Indonesian people who want to carry out the pilgrimage is directly proportional to the increase in the queue for Hajj in Indonesia. This is also a result of the easy access of the public to get hajj bailout funds. However, the implementation of the Hajj bailout financing was violated so that it was not following sharia principles and tended to practice usury which is a religious prohibition. The purpose of this study is to analyze and explain the Hajj bailout in the view of muammalah fiqh. This research method uses library research with qualitative analysis. The results and conclusions of this study are that the Hajj bailout is a loan from the bank to the customer to cover the lack of funds to get the hajj quota. This has the potential to give rise to various mafsadat both from the social aspect, namely the number of "fictitious" queues on the waiting list for Hajj, and also the syar'i aspect, which is Contrary to the conditions of Hajj, namely istitha 'ah (able) in terms of financing. And also the potential for hidden usury due to the merger between al-qard (loan) and al-ijarah (services) contracts in Hajj bailout funds.

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