
The World Commission on Dams (WCD) was created in 1998 by the World Bank and the World Conservation Union with a 2-year mandate to study the performance of large dams and their impact on development. The resulting 448-page report derives from 17 exhaustive thematic reviews reports from India and China 2 working papers (on sex and health) 4 regional consultations 970 submissions 8 in-depth river-basin case studies and an audit of 125 large dams. The 12 WCD commissioners came from all sides of the debate. They documented a global inventory of 45000 large dams impoundments over 15 m in height or storing at least 3 million cu. m of water. The report was found to provide an excellent account of the complex impacts of dams; yet only 2 pages were allocated for discussing their impacts on health. This article examines the deficiency of the WCD report in analyzing health issues.

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