
This paper is attempted to identify social and cultural impacts on halal tourism development in Lombok. There were 11 indicators that employed to measure social impact i.e. religious value on local community; usage of alcoholic drink; youth respect to their parent; social conflict; criminality; value and family togetherness; prostitutions; drugs usage; sexual act; interaction between local and tourists; and willingness of local to learn language. Meanwhile, to measure cultural impacts, 12 indicators were adopted, i.e. craftsmanship; language; traditions; art and music (performance, paintings, sculpture); heritages; type of employment; technology; specific style on architecture; religion and its manifestation; education system; dress; leisure activity. To analyze, synthesize and elaborate the impacts, therefore, social exchange theory (SET) were employed. This theory is relevant to investigate an exchange when interaction occurs between host and guest. It also urged that SET is very valuable to evaluate tourism impacts. Based on the discussion and finding, from 11 indicators of social impacts, 8 of them were incorporate with existing impacts (usage of alcoholic drink; youth respect to their parent; social conflict; criminality; value and family togetherness; prostitution; drugs usage; and sexual act) were came in form of challenge and threats toward halal tourism development in Lombok. Whereas, three impacts that strengthened and supported the halal tourism development i.e. religious values in local community; interaction between host and guest; and willingness of local people to learn the language. In addition, three elements of culture which had been displayed as positive impacts, i.e. heritages, specific style on architecture, and religion and its manifestation. Whereas the others, craftsmanship, language, traditions, art and music, type of employment, technology, education system, dress and leisure activity were become an opportunity and threats in the same context. Finally, this paper suggested that to enhance sustainability of halal tourism development in Lombok, therefore two points, must consider i.e. to socialize massively throughout media and to implement concepts of halal atmospheric.

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