
The Socio-economic and Environmental Impacts of the Robusta Coffee Processedby the Tugu Sari Village-Owned Enterprise ‘BUMDes’, Pajahan Village,Pupuan District, Tabanan RegencyThe Tugu Sari Village-Owned Enterprise ‘Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes)’ is aRobusta coffee processing enterprise run by the village. It was established to support theVillage’s Original Income ‘Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD)’, improve the local people’sprosperity, serve the local people, improve the management of the village’s assets, andmaximize and sustain the potential which the village, as the one where Robusta coffee isproduced, has. This current study was intended to identify the impact of the existence ofthe Tugu Sari BUMDes, Pajahan Village, based on the sustainable development system.Three impacts were explored in the current study. They are the social, economic andenvironmental impacts. The social and environmental impacts on the existence of theBUMDes were measured through the local people’s perception, and the economicimpact was measured based on the score obtained using the Keynesian economicimpact. The result of the study shows that the local people’s perception of the socialimpact of the BUMDes was good. The economic impact was that the existence of theBUMDes could contribute to the local people’s economy based on the score obtainedthrough the Keynesian multiplier effect, namely 1.35. The local people’s perception wasnot good environmentally, as the noise produced by the coffee processing machinedisturbed the learning process at Elementary School 2 Pajahan. Therefore, it issuggested that the coffee processing machine should be relocated, so it would notdisturb the learning process at Elementary School 2 Pajahan.


  • The Tugu Sari Village-Owned Enterprise ‘Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes)’ is a Robusta coffee processing enterprise run by the village

  • The Socio-economic and Environmental Impacts of the Robusta Coffee Processed by the Tugu Sari Village-Owned Enterprise ‘BUMDes’, Pajahan Village, Pupuan District, Tabanan Regency

  • It was established to support the Village’s Original Income ‘Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD)’, improve the local people’s prosperity, serve the local people, improve the management of the village’s assets, and maximize and sustain the potential which the village, as the one where Robusta coffee is produced, has. This current study was intended to identify the impact of the existence of the Tugu Sari BUMDes, Pajahan Village, based on the sustainable development system

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Rumusan Masalah

Untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat terhadap dampak sosial pengolahan kopi robusta BUMDes Tugu Sari di Desa Pajahan. Data kuantitatif merupakan data yang berwujud angka yaitu upah tenaga kerja, PAD Pajahan yang bersumber dari BUMDes, biaya kontribusi BUMDes terhadap kegiatan desa, pengeluaran BUMDesuntuk pembayaran produk petani penyedia bahan baku dan pengeluaran petani penyedia bahan baku.Data kualitatif merupakan hasil wawancara melalui kuisioner untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi masyarakat terhadap dampak sosial dan lingkungan BUMDes Tugu Sari Pajahan. 3.Apabila hasil dari perhitungan lebih besar atau sama dengan satu (≥ 1), maka kegiatan pengolahan kopi robusta BUMDes Tugu Sari telah mampu memberikan dampak ekonomi terhadap masyarakat. Identifikasi dampak lingkungan dari pengolahan kopi robusta pada BUMDes. Tugu Sari juga menggunakan metode yang sama dengan analisis dampak sosial yaitu skala likert yang mendeskripsikan secara kualitatif dengan alternatif skor dampak sangat baik (1) sampai berdampak sangat buruk (5).

Dampak Ekonomi
Kontribusi dana bantuan BUMDes terhadap
Pengeluaran tenaga kerja BUMDes 2 Pengeluaran petani penyedia bahan baku
Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Dampak Lingkungan
Penurunan penggunaan bahan kimia sintetis
Ucapan Terimakasih Penulis mengucapkan terimakasih kepada
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