
The Impact of Changes in Local Food Consumptionof Sweet Potato and Sago into Rice Food,in Kampung Makimi, Makimi District,Nabire Regency, Papua ProvinceThe impact of rice policy is a change in the pattern of local food consumption of thecommunity. This study aims to determine the impact of changes in the pattern ofconsumption of sweet potato and sago local food into rice food consumption. Thesampling method uses simple random sampling as many as 40 household headsfrom402 populations, theanalysis method used in this study is qualitative descriptive. Theresults showedthe impact of changes in the pattern of consumption of local food ofsweet potatoes and sago into rice consumption was a massive shift in publicconsumption resulted in a decrease in the level of preference for local sweet potato andsago food consumption. Most households prefer to consume rice food, because it tastesgood and is easily accessible. This can be seen by the amount of rice consumption asmuch as 1,443.8 kg / year, while the amount of sweet potato consumption is 182.4 kg /year, and sago is 728 kg / year. The negative impact of government policies andprograms on rice food availability has resulted in reduced production of local sweetpotatoes and sago. So the price of sweet potatoes and sago became expensive. Changesin the pattern of consumption of local foods of sweet potatoes and sago into riceresulted in an increase of 18.75% in Diabetes Meliatus in Makimi Makimi Village.Suggestion that can be submitted as input is that necessary to process local food intovalue-added commodities that can attract households to consume local food. Thegovernment is expected to formulate regulations related to the food sovereigntyprogram, especially local sweet potatoes and sago. Government policies for theassistance of raskin should be reduced by quota, and replaced by a food subsidiesprogram based on local food. There needs to be a tithe regarding the diversification ofconsumption of nutritiousbalanced food, especially in utilizing local food potential.


  • Kedaulatan pangan adalah konsep pemenuhan pangan melalui produksi lokal

  • Sugiyono (2003) menyatakan bahwa metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif bertujuan untuk menggambarkan apa-apa yang saat ini berlaku

  • Dampak Kebijakan Raskin terhadap Pola Konsumsi Pangan Lokal di Papua

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Tujuan Penelitian

Adapunt ujuan penelitian ini adalah, untuk mengetahui dampak perubahan pola konsumsi pangan lokal ubi dan sagu menjadi pangan beras di Kampung Makimi, Distrik Makimi, Kabupaten Nabire. Penelitian ini dilaksanakandi Kampung Makimi, Distrik Makimi, Kabupaten Nabire, Provinsi Papua. Penentuan lokasi ini dilakukan secara sengaja karena Kampung Makimi merupakan salah satu kampung sentra ubi dan sagu yang secara langsung mengalami perubahan pola konsumsi pangan pokok lokal ubi dan sagu menjadi pangan beras. Berdasarkan sumber data Susenas Panel Provinsi Papua, tahun (2008-2010) mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat perubahan konsumsi pangan pokok dari sagu dan ubi menjadi lebih menyukai beras pada kelompok daerah yang berpotensi sagu dan ubi. Jenis data yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Data kuantitatif yaitu jenis data yang dapat dihitung berupa angka-angka seperti, jumlah konsumsi pangan beras, jumlah konsumsi pangan lokal ubi dan sagu.

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