
Dayah is an Islamic educational institutions located in Aceh. This educational institution is similar to the so-called pesantren – an Islamic boarding school in the island of Java, both from the aspect of function and purpose (although there are also some important differences). In 2003, the Government of Aceh through the Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Decree, issued a regulation, numbered 451.2 / 474/2003 on the Criteria Stipulation and Dayah Assistance in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). One of the subject matter is to make a policy that dayah is divided into several classifications: Type A, Type B, Type C and Non Type. This classification aims to distinguish the type of assistance to be given to dayah. This qualitative study is conducted to see how effective is the government assistance to support the quality of education in dayah. By conducting interviews to four (4) different dayah (2 interviews at traditional dayah and 2 at modern dayah), this research is expected to analyze the management of education and the impact of government assistance. The results of this study concluded that the education management of dayah remain dependent on their leadership figure (teungku), so that the impact of government assistance also varies positively to dayah physical development and improvement of facilities and infrastructure, but this assistance has also interestingly changed teungku’s positive paradigm into a much more negative one.


  • Arfiansyah dan Muhammad Riza management of dayah remain dependent on their leadership figure, so that the impact of government assistance varies positively to dayah physical development and improvement of facilities and infrastructure, but this assistance has interestingly changed teungku’s positive paradigm into a much more negative one

  • Bentuk Bantuan Badan Pembinaan Pendidikan Dayah Dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Badan Pembinaan Pendidikan Dayah 2008-2012 disebutkan sejumlah program yang dilakukan oleh Badan Pembinaan Pendidikan Dayah (BPPD) Provinsi Aceh.Visi Badan Pembinaan Pendidikan Dayah (BPPD) adalah terwujudnya Dayah Sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pembinaan Masyarakat yang Berkualitas.[44] Sedang misinya adalah Meningkatkan Pendidikan Dayah Yang Berkualitas Melalui Tenaga Pendidik, Kurikulum, Sarana & Prasarana, Manajemen & Pendanaan; Meningkatkan Peran Dayah Dalam Mewariskan & Membangun Masyarakat Madani; Mengupayakan Pendidikan Ketrampilan Hidup; Pemberdayaan Kemampuan Ekonomi Dayah Untuk Meningkatkan Pendanaan Sendiri; Mengupayakan Agar dayah di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Tidak Menjurus Dalam Gerakan Ekstrim Tapi Menciptakan Dayah Moderat dan Toleran

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Arfiansyah dan Muhammad Riza management of dayah remain dependent on their leadership figure (teungku), so that the impact of government assistance varies positively to dayah physical development and improvement of facilities and infrastructure, but this assistance has interestingly changed teungku’s positive paradigm into a much more negative one. Pendapat yang hampir senada juga diungkapkan oleh Syafruddin yang berpendapat bahwa secara umum sumber pembiayaan lembaga pendidikan Islam (termasuk dayah) dapat berasal dari: pertama, orang tua murid dan masyarakat, perorangan dan dunia usaha, kedua, pemerintah.[29]

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