
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many hotels, restaurants and tourism activities to be temporarily closed. It has an impact on the financial performance towards the companies engaged in this sub-sector. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of Covid 19 towards the financial performance of companies engaged in the sub-sector of hotel, restaurant and tourism. Financial performance is measured using several ratios, namely liquidity ratios, solvability ratios, profitability ratios and market ratio. The ype of research is descriptive quantitave. The population in this study is 35 all companies in the sub-sector of hotel, restaurant and tourism listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019-2020 period. Samples are collected from 30 companies using purposive sampling method. Hypothesis testing is conducted using the Paired Sample t-Test. The empirical results show that, in the liquidity ratio, and market ratio there is no significant difference between the periods of before and after the first recorded Covid-19 case in Indonesia. Meanwhile, in the solvability ratio and profitability ratio, there are significant differences between the two periods.


  • The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many hotels, restaurants and tourism activities to be temporarily closed. It has an impact on the financial performance towards the companies engaged in this sub-sector

  • The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of Covid 19 towards the financial performance of companies engaged in the subsector of hotel, restaurant and tourism

  • The population in this study is 35 all companies in the sub-sector of hotel, restaurant and tourism listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019-2020 period

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Rata-rata current ratio ditur apabila perusahaan hotel, restoran dan pari-. 19 mengalami peningkatan dan masih berada di Tingginya rasio DER menunjukkan ketergantungantara 100-200% artinya perusahaan sektor hotel, an modal perusahaan lebih banyak didanai dari retoran dan pariwisata masih dalam kondisi likuid pihak luar, komposisi hutang yang lebih tinggi dan memiliki kemampuan untuk membayar kewa- akan meningkatkan beban perusahaan Rata-rata rasio return on equity (ROE) pada sebelum pandemi Covid-19 memiliki nilai rata- saat sebelum pandemi Covid-19 memiliki nilai rata 93,36% dan sesudah pandemi meningkat 10,63 dan sesudah pandemi rata-rata rasio ini memenjadi 125,05%, meningkatnya rasio ini menun- nurun 19,1 artinya kemampuan perusahaan hotel, jukkan menurunnya kemampuan perusahaan un- restoran dan pariwisata dalam mendapatkan ketuk mendapatkan tambahan dana dari kreditur untungan dengan modal sendiri mengalami penukarena adanya risiko yang akan ditanggung kre- runan yang cukup signifikan. Nilai rata-rata price earning rasio (PER) se- menunjukkan harapan yang baik terhadap perbelum pengumuman kasus pandemi Covid-19 tumbuhan perusahaan. Rasio PER Investor semakin tinggi rasio PER maka laba yang mengukur prospek perusahaan di mata investor. diharapkan juga meningkat

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