
The problem of the population is a problem arising as a result of the state of the population itself in its growth. Change, sooner or later will affect various aspects of life, if these changes are not addressed it will lead to various impacts that we do not want. Such as urban areas in Indonesia are not spared from the problems of population. Therefore the researcher chose the problem about the impact of population mobility on the socio-cultural life of the community, especially the immigrant population who settled because the settlers who settled most interacted with the indigenous peoples and had the most influence on the socio-cultural life of indigenous peoples. As the object of research, researchers chose Batubulan Kangin Village, because in this village there are quite a lot of immigrant residents who live also Batubulan Kangin village is located in the east of Denpasar City which makes it easy for research to conduct research. If a culture coexists with other cultures they will experience changes in both the changes that come from the culture itself and those outside the culture. It can be concluded that in the Batubulan Kangin village with the presence of immigrant population does not exist or have not seen the impact (negative), it is the inhabitants who are immersed in the social life of indigenous people. Another visible impact is the change of various forms of facilities and infrastructure in Batubulan Kangin village which on average experienced an increasing interest in the presence of migrant population. Keyword : Culture, Population, Immigrant

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