
■TTSTrSSiTSÏST The WLT Book Club you could open your dream bookstore, what books would you offer?What principleswould driveyourselections? Would yoube thesole arbiter, or would you form a top-secret committee tochoose the titles,as in Laurence Cossé's new release, A Novel Bookstore? Cossé's novelraisestheseissuesand moreas thetwo creatorsoftheirideal bookstoreand membersof the selection committeefind themselveson the receivingend of a series of attacks followingthe opening in Paris of theirstore,The Good Novel, devoted toonlythebestnovels. Join WLT in reading A Novel Bookstore, and join otherreaderson WLTs Facebook page to discuss these questions about literary S5 selectionand therole and influence»S of bookstores today. Also visit d thegoodnovel.com to read the p committee'sselections,featuresof£ other likeminded bookstores, and°" moreinformation aboutCosse. Damon Galgut Despitebeingdiagnosedwithcancerat theage ofsix,Damon Galgutemerged fromPretoria,South Africa,to become one of thecountry'smoreprominent authorsofshortstories, plays,and novels.His passion forwriting and storytellingwas sparkedbythelargeamountofreadinghisfriends and relatives did for himduringhis sicklychildhood.GalgutlaterattendedCape Town University, nearlyninehundredmilesfrom hishomeinPretoria, wherehe studieddrama. At the age of seventeen,he published his first book, A SinlessSeason(1984). To date,Galguthas published fourplays and fivenovels,includingTheGood Doctor(2003).Setina post-apartheid SouthAfrica, thenoveldescribestwodoctorsand theirclashingpersonalities, whichthreaten todisrupttheirhospitalin theabandoned SouthAfricanbantustans.TheGoodDoctorwas shortlisted for theCommonwealthWritersPrize,theMan BookerPrize forFiction,and the International IMPAC Dublin Award, and Galgutwas praised forhis complex character developmentand interaction. Galgut'slatestnovel,Ina Strange Room, was publishedin 2010.- Compiled byAndrew Babb "Galgut'sparable of indolence and enthusiasmunderthe African sunisalarmingly believable, and remarkably free from cliché.Hishospitalinthebush,wherethedoctorsareinneed oftreatment, isSouthAfrica underthemicroscope." - Christopher Hope,TheGuardian January-February2011 15 ...

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