
Modal filtering has numerous applications in the analysis of object dynamics. One possible use of this technique, recently presented in the literature, is damage detection. The main idea behind it, is to compare system characteristics filtered with modal filter for damaged and undamaged state. If a structural change appears in the system the filter does not work perfectly and its output significantly differs from one obtained for the healthy structure. Method is based on the modal parameter variation due to damage but does not require the modal analysis for every diagnosis. Another advantages are: computational simplicity and robustness for ambient temperature changes. The method was extended in 2008 with the possibility of damage localization. The idea here was based on the fact that local damage disturbs mode shapes locally. Instead of one modal filter, set of local modal filters were identified and used for further processing. Area of the structure connected with the filter with the worst performance is suspected of containing the damage. The method was already presented and positively verified but only for the beam-like structures. In this paper, application for plate-like structures is shown.

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