
Structural condition monitoring methods can be generally classified as local and global. While the global method needs only a small number of sensors to measure the low-frequency structural vibration properties, the acquired information is often not sufficiently sensitive to minor damages in a structure. Local methods, on the other hand, could be very sensitive to minor damages but their detection range is usually small. To overcome the drawbacks and take advantage of both methods, an integrated condition monitoring system has been recently developed for structural damage detection, which combines guided wave and structural vibration tests. This study aims at finding a viable damage identification method for steel structures by using this system. First, a spectral element modelling method is developed, which can simulate both wave propagation and structural vibration properties. Then the model is used in updating analysis to identify crack damage. Extensive numerical simulations and model updating works are conducted. The experimental and numerical results suggest that simply combining the objective functions cannot provide better structural damage identification. A two-stage damage identification scheme is more suitable for identifying damage in steel beams.

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