
The article is aimed at discussing the major presumptions and tendencies of civil participation in voluntary activities in Lithuania after 1990. Despite the objective conditions for public activism in social and political life, participation in non-governmental sector is still low in Lithuania, as only near 13% of the population take part in the activities of NGOs. Following social capital, social exchange theories, civil participation in voluntary activities is one of the ways to influence social processes. According to the results of qualitative (semi-structured interviews with NGO members) and quantitative (national public opinion survey) research, more than a half of the Lithuanian population do participate in different activities on a grass-root level, including sports, tourists clubs, dwellers associations, committees at kinder-gartens and schools. However, participation in NGOs such as: organizations of human rights, animal care, environmental organizations, support funds, etc. is extremely low. Economic and social problems, including low living standards, high rate of unemployment and poverty, as well as scarce traditions of philanthropy partially explain passive civil participation in voluntary activities. Taking into account the importance of civil engagement in NGOs for the community and the society, more information on the benefits of voluntarism, as well as examples of good practice is needed.


  • The article is aimed at discussing the major presumptions and tendencies of civil participation in voluntary activities in Lithuania after 1990

  • Despite the objective conditions for public activism in social and political life, participation in non-governmental sector is still low in Lithuania, as only near 13% of the population take part in the activities of NGOs

  • According to the results of qualitative and quantitative research, more than a half of the Lithuanian population do participate in different activities on a grass-root level, including sports, tourists clubs, dwellers associations, committees at kindergartens and schools

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Ernesta Butkuvienë

Dalyvavimas savanoriðkoje veikloje: situacija ir perspektyvos Lietuvoje po 1990-øjø. Santrauka. Studijos tyrimo tikslas – iðtirti dalyvavimo nevyriausybiniø organizacijø savanoriðkoje veikloje situacijà ir tendencijas. Remiantis atlikta studija galima teigti, kad dalyvavimo savanoriðkoje veikloje pasyvumà Lietuvoje lemia: nestabili gyventojø ekonominë padëtis, individualistinis màstymas, sovietinio laikotarpio paveldas, nevyriausybiniø organizacijø veiklos silpnumas. Taèiau praëjus penkiolikai metø po nepriklausomybës atkûrimo Lietuvoje, vis dar maþa ðalies gyventojø dalis dalyvauja savanoriðkoje veikloje. Dalyvavimas NVO savanoriðkoje veikloje yra efektyvus bûdas pilieèiams dalyvauti sprendþiant socialines problemas. Apibendrinant savanoriðkos veiklos pasirinkimo motyvø analizæ, svarbu pabrëþti, kad tokios veiklos pasirinkimas priklauso nuo to, kokie poreikiai yra ávardijami kaip prioritetiniai, kokios vertybinës nuostatos vyrauja visuomenëje bei kokiomis nuostatomis vadovaujasi individas. Nepaisant palankiø dalyvavimo savanoriðkoje veikloje teoriniø sàlygø, atsiradusiø po nepriklausomybës atkûrimo, vis dëlto dar labai maþa dalis Lietuvos gyventojø yra aktyvûs visuomeninio gyvenimo dalyviai. Kad Lietuvoje beveik dvigubai daugiau moterø nei vyrø dalyvauja savanoriðkoje veikloje. Taèiau yra tam tikrø iðlygø, ádomu, kad vyriausios amþiaus grupës atstovai t. y. turintys [77–81] metus respondentai visuomeniniu aktyvumu maþai atsilieka nuo paèiø aktyviausiø grupiø

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