
This paper, based on the findings of a research project, draws on secondary literature along with field interviews in order to discuss challenges for and intersectional aspects of the Dalit movement in contemporary Karnataka. Dalit movement in contemporary Karnataka is characterized by increasing internal heterogeneity, complexity, and intersectionality. On the one hand, Dalit movement has to face up the challenge of reorganizing itself by overcoming the internal conflicts and contradictions. The issues of the left and the right or Madigas and Holeyas, shifting with regional specificities, has divided Dalit politics. This division is sharper on the issue of reservation. There has been a consolidation of the sub-caste identity within the larger Dalit politics. Also, Dalit politics is internally split with mushrooming of different Dalit Sangharsh Samiti (DSS). On the other hand, women’s participation in Dalit movement of the state is very discouraging. This also is one of the reasons for weakening of the Dalit movement. The movement leadership is increasingly realizing that it has been unable to address the intersectionality between caste and gender. Based on the new realization, the movement has progressively shifted its focus from difference to radical interrelatedness.


  • Dalit movement in Karnataka, emerging in the early 1970s, is a classic case of a successful social movement in India

  • The Dalit movement in Karnataka could not provide sufficient attention to intersection of caste and gender in the past. It certainly took up the issues such as the practice of Devadasi and violence against Dalit women by the dominant caste men

  • The movement even succeeded to a great extent in this regard

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Dalit movement in Karnataka, emerging in the early 1970s, is a classic case of a successful social movement in India. ‘It played a decisive role’, Yadav notes, ‘in awakening the Dalits in Karnataka It shook the rigid, irresponsible Hindu conscience. It first provides literature review in brief and indicates the methodology used It offers a discussion of the historical trajectory of the Dalit movement in Karnataka and the factors responsible for emergence of the DSS. The paper discusses the emergence of internal complexity in the DSS and the subsequent challenges for the Dalit movement in Karnataka. It analyses the significance of the question of intersection of caste and gender for the DSS and the movement in general. The concluding section underline the emerging signs pertaining to revitalization of the DSS in recent times

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