
Ayatollah Ruhullah Al-Musawi Al-Khomeini or Imam Khomeini is one of the scholars in Iran as well as the leader of the Iranian state who took part in moving the Iranian people towards the teachings of Islam. The Iranian leader who was born in 1902 AD, through his work, was able to overthrow the ruling regime that wanted to distance the people from the teachings of Islam because of the influence of foreign intervention. Imam Khomeini was able to influence all the Iranian people to overthrow the anti-Islamic regime that was in office at that time, Shah Reza Pahlavi. With 98.2% of the people's vote in favor of the establishment of the Islamic Republic, officially on April 1, 1979 an Islamic Republic of Iran was established. This event is known as the Islamic Revolution of Iran. (Islamic, tt) This article can be used as a reference to find out how the da'wah and communication views of a leading figure from Iran, namely Imam Khomeini. The benefits of this research are a source of inspiration and add insight into the treasures of Islamic scholarship for Muslim scientists, da'wah and communication practitioners. This type of research is qualitative, namely descriptive research methods, namely historical descriptive namely describing historical research results using the "script study" method which uses analysis referring to library data, namely books, journals, and supporting historical documents that can support this research. Da'wahin Imam Khomeini's view is in line with the theory stated in the science of da'wah, the arguments of the Qur'an, and as-sunnah. In the science of da'wah there is an explanation of the elements of da'wah. Imam Khomeini has a da'wah view that almost all describes the components of the elements of da'wah, especially aspects regarding the da'i from the perspective of how the preacher's morals should be based on the concept of Islamic morals. Regarding mad'u, Imam Khomeini divides it into three based on their social strata, namely: officials, the public, and the rich, along with an explanation of the appropriate da'wah material for the distribution of the mad'u da'wah. Lastly, Methods of Effective Da'wah according to Imam Khomeini.

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