
The influence of the experimental probiotic “Plantarum” on the productive and some exterior-constitutional features of dairy Saanen breed goats was studied. The preparation was developed in the microbiology laboratory of milk and dairy products of the department “Siberian Research Institute for Cheese Making” of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Altai Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology” (FSBSI FASCA). The composition of the preparation includes pure cultures of probiotic strains of lactobacilli and propionic acid bacteria from the “Siberian collection of microorganisms”. The probiotic preparation in liquid form was introduced into concentrated feed (oats). The positive effect of the use of the probiotic “Plantarum” on the average daily milk yield of the experimental groups of fully developed (assessed by the exterior) pregnant female goats was established. A significant increase in milk yield was observed in the second and third groups by 1.66% (p < 0.05) and 3.27% (p < 0.05), respectively. With an increase in the average daily milk yield, the main physical and chemical parameters of milk (mass fraction of fat, mass fraction of protein) of the experimental groups did not decrease. There was a tendency to improve the safety of young animals in the second and third groups with an increase in the probiotic dose. At this stage of the work, the optimal dose with the maximum positive effect of introducing the probiotic preparation into the diet of experimental animals (0.8 ml/kg of body weight per day) was established. In this connection, it is necessary to conduct an additional experiment with an increase in the dose of probiotic administration when feeding it to experimental animals.

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