
The data for this study were questionnaires from 280 dairy and 143 veal producers. The objective was to determine producer evaluations of the amount and importance of changes in the past 10yr and those projected in the near future related to several animal management and facility factors. A part of the survey emphasized handling and transportation changes. Dairy producers indicated that nutrition (diet), herd health, quality assurance, ventilation/housing, and breeding management were the most important changes over the past 10yr. These same management factors were projected to be the most important in the future, although the top-ranked factor was milking facilities/equipment, which was ranked only of moderate importance with regard to changes in the past. Veal producers identified calf health, medication use, quality assurance, nutrition, and veterinary use as the most important changes over the past 10yr. Most important future changes were the above-mentioned factors (with exception of nutrition), with biosecurity and waste management becoming highly-ranked factors. The most important factors to reduce animal stress, prevent animal losses, and to improve on-farm management were identified by dairy producers as nonslip flooring, facilities to restrain and move calves, loading expertise, seasonal venting on transport vehicles, and biosecurity. Veal producers identified seasonal truck venting, market/packer personnel, driver expertise, and overloading as the most important factors in reducing stress and preventing losses, with overloading being of little importance in improving management. Loading expertise was the third-ranked factor in improving on-farm management. These results indicate that both dairy and veal farmers are cognizant of factors influencing animal well-being. Both dairy and veal producers also believe they have improved their level of animal care. In addition, dairy and veal producers feel that public opinion of their methods and industries has improved in the past 10yr.

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