
Mice Neotomodon alstoni develops, in some individuals, overweight and obesity when kept in vivarium conditions and fed on standard rodent diet. In the present study, we explored the possible differences between lean and obese mice, on the daily expression of the hormone ghrelin, its total and active form, as well as the relative expression of ghrelin receptors (GSHR) in hypothalamic tissue. Plasma hormones were detected and quantified by immunological techniques by ELISA; the relative presence of GSHR was assessed by western blot. Mice were sacrificed at different times throughout the day. The results obtained indicate that there is a rhythm of presence of total and acylated ghrelin in lean mice, which dampers and changes its peak’s phase in obese mice. The GHSR expression tend to be more abundant in obese mice than in lean mice. The results indicate that, in the obese mice there is a possible resistance to ghrelin.

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