
Diarrhea is defecation with excrete, liquid, or semi-liquid (semi-solid); the water content of stools is more than normal, more than 200 g or 200 ml / 24 hours. Another definition using frequency criteria, the definition is watery stools more than three times per day. Acute diarrhea is diarrhea that is less than 14 days. The cause of diarrhea may include infection, food poisoning, and allergies. This study aims to analyze the relationship between daily food hygiene and acute diarrhea in Medical Students of UKI who live at boarding house. This type of research is analytic - cross-sectional. The population in this study is the student of the medical students of UKI. Determination of the sample in this study was done by probability sampling by using simple random sampling; a total of 100 boarding students living around the UKI were sampled. This study showed that of the 100 students living in boarding houses, 70 had suffered from diarrhea, and the other 30 had never experienced diarrhea. Of 100 students who assessed where they obtained food in a clean state, 26 people assessed the state where they obtained food less clean than 70 people, and the remaining four rated not clean. It is concluded that there is no relationship between everyday food hygiene with acute diarrhea in Medical Students of UKI who live at boarding house.

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