
Daflon, a phlebotropic agent, is of proven efficacy in the treatment of various venous disorders. Although it has been tried in the treatment of haemorrhoids, its efficacy in alleviating various haemorrhoidal symptoms has not been assessed properly. The aim of this study was to confirm the efficacy of Daflon in the treatment of haemorrhoidal symptoms. Two hundred and sixty eight patients presenting with haemorrhoidal symptoms were recruited. This was a multicentre non-randomised observational study with no placebo arm. After establishing the extent of their symptoms and determining the position, size and degree of haemorrhoids by proctoscopy, all patients were started on Daflon, four tablets per day, in two divided doses for four weeks. Patients were seen weekly during the study period and carefully questioned as regard to symptoms, and a proctoscopy was carried out. There was a statistically significant improvement (p<0.001) in all haemorrhoidal symptoms (pain, heaviness, bleeding, pruritus and anal discharge) and in the proctoscopic appearance of the 'piles,' comparing baseline visit findings with the last visit four weeks after treatment with Daflon. Daflon has been shown to be effective in alleviating (variable degree) haemorrhoidal symptoms and improving the proctoscopic appearance of haemorrhoids. Therefore, it should be considered initially for patients presenting with haemorrhoidal symptoms. However, prospective randomised trials and longer follow-up are needed to confirm the findings of this study and delineate more precisely the role of Daflon in the management of haemorrhoidal disease

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