
The main goal of this study is to establish the historical context of the introduction of the title Dacicus Maximus in 3rd-century inscriptions for emperors like Maximinus Thrax, Traianus Decius, Gallienus, and Aurelianus. Maximinus Thrax officially adopted the title, while for Decius, Gallienus and Aurelianus such a cognomen devictarum gentium is accidentally found on inscriptions and milliaria from distant provinces, such as Hispania, Gallia, and the North-African provinces. To this scarce epigraphic data one can add the sculptural reliefs of the so-called battle sarcophagi from Rome that depict barbarians wearing Dacian costume and Dacian weapons. The main conclusion is that, in this confused era, the imperial propaganda apparatus identified as Dacians certain new, emergent barbarians inhabiting the area of the former Dacia Magna.

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